Thursday, August 3, 2023

Readers Respond to the Issue of Over-education in Brunei

The issue of overeducation in Brunei has sparked widespread discussion among readers, highlighting the need for a balanced approach between attitude, skills, and knowledge (ASK).


In response to an article addressing this concern, readers have emphasized the importance of aligning the supply and demand sides of the equation while also considering the enabling factors that contribute to a well-functioning education system.




Balancing the Educational Pipeline


·      Readers emphasize the significance of aligning the supply of education with the needs and demands of the workforce.


·      It is crucial to strike a balance between producing graduates with the necessary skills and knowledge required by the job market.


·      This requires a comprehensive understanding of the industries and sectors that are thriving in Brunei, enabling educational institutions to tailor their programs accordingly.


·      By aligning the supply of education with the demands of the job market, Brunei can effectively reduce the issue of overeducation.




Fostering Vocational Education and Practical Skills


·      Readers recognize the need for a shift in perception regarding vocational education and practical skills.


·      While academic qualifications hold their value, there is a growing demand for individuals who possess practical expertise and skills that directly contribute to the economy.


·      Encouraging the development of vocational training programs and apprenticeships can bridge the gap between education and employment.


·      By promoting a diverse range of career paths and highlighting the importance of practical skills, Brunei can ensure that the demand for skilled workers is met without an excess of overeducated individuals.




Strengthening Collaboration and Partnerships


·      Readers emphasize the importance of collaboration and partnerships between educational institutions, the government, and industries.


·      Such collaborations can facilitate the exchange of information and insights, enabling educational institutions to stay updated with industry trends and demands.


·      Moreover, partnerships can lead to the creation of internship programs, job placements, and mentorship opportunities, thereby ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for the workforce.


·      By fostering a culture of collaboration and establishing strong partnerships, Brunei can enhance the effectiveness of its education system and mitigate the issue of overeducation.




The response of readers to the issue of overeducation in Brunei highlights the significance of the ‘ASKapproach: attitude, skills, and knowledge. 


By aligning the supply and demand sides of the equation and considering the enabling factors, Brunei can effectively address the issue of overeducation. 


This involves balancing the educational pipeline, fostering vocational education and practical skills, and strengthening collaboration and partnerships. 


Through these collective efforts, Brunei can create a well-functioning education system that meets the needs of the job market, ensuring a prosperous future for its graduates and the nation as a whole.


Additional Key Points Raised by Readers:


·      The importance of changing mindsets and attitudes towards education.


·      The need to update curriculum content regularly to keep up with the changing dynamics of the job market.


·      The importance of providing students with opportunities to develop practical skills and experience.


·      The need for better collaboration between educational institutions, employers, and government bodies.


By incorporating these valuable perspectives, Brunei can create a more balanced and relevant education system. 

Addressing the ASK framework will not only reduce the prevalence of overeducation but also ensure that individuals are equipped with the right skills and knowledge to contribute meaningfully to the workforce and society as a whole.