Thursday, May 18, 2023

Stray Monkeys Trespassing: A Consequence of Negligence in Development Projects


The encroachment of stray monkeys into human domains has become a concerning issue that highlights the consequences of human carelessness in development projects. As urban areas expand and forests are cleared for development, wildlife displacement and the disruption of natural habitats have led to the rise of stray monkeys seeking refuge in human settlements. 


This article examines the problem, delving into the underlying causes and emphasizing the accountability of relevant authorities in executing development projects.


The Impact of Development on Wildlife


Development projects, aimed at enhancing infrastructure and meeting the needs of growing populations, often come at the expense of natural habitats. Forested areas are cleared without adequate consideration for the wildlife species that call them home. As their habitats diminish, animals, including monkeys, are forced to seek alternative sources of food, shelter, and territory, often leading them into human communities.


The Struggle for Survival: Monkeys and Human Encounters


Stray monkeys, displaced from their natural habitats, face numerous challenges as they venture into human domains. They struggle to find suitable food sources and suitable spaces to establish their territories. In search of sustenance, they often raid crops, garbage bins, and even homes, causing damage and posing potential risks to human safety. This conflict between humans and monkeys not only impacts the well-being of both parties but also exacerbates the strain on wildlife populations already struggling to adapt.

Negligence in Development Projects


The responsibility for addressing the issue of stray monkeys ultimately lies with the authorities responsible for planning and executing development projects. While development is necessary for societal progress, it is crucial that the impact on wildlife and the environment is given due consideration. Unfortunately, the failure to account for wildlife issues during the clearance of forested areas is a glaring example of negligence.


Mitigating the Stray Monkey Menace


To mitigate the problem of stray monkeys trespassing into human domains, it is imperative for relevant authorities to adopt a multi-faceted approach:


1. Wildlife Impact Assessments: Prior to commencing development projects, conducting comprehensive assessments of the potential impact on wildlife populations is vital. This includes assessing the migration patterns, habitat requirements, and ecological needs of the affected species.


2. Habitat Conservation: Incorporating measures to conserve and protect natural habitats within the development plan is essential. Designing green spaces, preserving wildlife corridors, and implementing reforestation efforts can provide alternative habitats for displaced animals.


3. Education and Awareness: Raising public awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation and responsible coexistence with animals is crucial. Educating communities about non-lethal deterrents, proper waste management, and the consequences of feeding monkeys can help reduce conflict.


4. Collaborative Efforts: Building partnerships between relevant authorities, environmental organizations, and community groups can facilitate effective management strategies. Implementing sterilization programs, establishing wildlife rehabilitation centers, and promoting sustainable development practices can yield positive outcomes.




The issue of stray monkeys trespassing into human domains in Brunei highlights the negative consequences of neglecting wildlife considerations in development projects. 


It is the responsibility of the relevant authorities to prioritize the preservation of natural habitats and implement effective measures to address this problem.


In Brunei, there are laws in place to protect wildlife and regulate land use. The Wildlife Protection Act [1978] establishes the Department of Museums as the authority responsible for wildlife-related matters, including the creation of wildlife sanctuaries. The Land Code [1909] and the Land Acquisition Act [1949] govern land allocation, management, and tenure, covering both private and state lands.


However, there have been instances where the enforcement and execution of these laws have been lacking, often due to authorities overseeing development projects disregarding the provisions. This situation calls for better coordination between the various actors involved in wildlife preservation and land management.


When development projects disregard wildlife conservation, animals like monkeys are displaced from their natural habitats and end up seeking refuge in human settlements. This can lead to conflicts and risks for both humans and animals.


To address this issue effectively, it is essential for authorities to enforce the Wildlife Protection Act and related legislation. This includes conducting wildlife impact assessments before starting development projects, preserving natural habitats within those projects, and raising public awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation.


By addressing these shortcomings and ensuring the proper implementation of laws, Brunei can work towards a future where humans and wildlife coexist harmoniously. This will help protect the country's natural heritage for generations to come. (MHO0523)

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Building a Sustainable Future: Proposals for Responsible Development in Belait District

On May 16, 2023, the Department of Information, as the government's primary information provider, held 'Program Muzakarah Penerangan' at Pusat Insani Seria. 


The event aimed to clarify and share information on current issues and government policies. 


The Acting Director of Information, Dayang Siti Bismi Nuruliman binti Haji Awang Emzah presided over the program, emphasizing that it served as a bridge between the government and the people, particularly the residents of Mukim Seria and surrounding villages. 


Pemangku Pengarah
Dayang Siti Bismi Nuruiman
The Acting Director of Information raised 14 topics for discussion during the session. These issues covered various subjects such as the closure of Tamu at Sungai Bera due to safety and public health concerns, the issue of stray dogs and crocodiles, road damages, abandoned government buildings, abandoned vehicles along the main road and in residential and commercial areas, and the presence of auto shops in residential areas like Panag Housing and Lorong Three.

The presence of senior officials from relevant government agencies at the program demonstrates their commitment to addressing these issues and finding solutions for the benefit of the community. This discussion provided residents with an opportunity to voice their concerns, and the government listened and took appropriate action.

During the program, I also had the chance to express my concerns and proposals. However, due to time constraints, I was unable to articulate my thoughts thoroughly. Here are the points I wanted to highlight:

Pemangku Penghulu Seria
dan Pemangku Ketua Kampong


Firstly, I wanted to articulate on the importance of establishing a clear vision for the Belait District, including Seria, to align all efforts, work programs, activities, policies, and development projects towards the realisation of that vision. Like the Temburong District as the Green Jewel of Brunei Darussalam because of its green environment. Development policies and activities in the district are aligned to that vision.


By having a shared vision, we can foster a paradigm shift in mindset across all sectors of the community, unifying everyone towards turning that vision into a reality.

Pegawai-Pegawai Kanan kerajaan turut hadir

Secondly, I wanted to emphasize the need for more comprehensive research and strategic planning when executing any project. It is crucial to consider factors such as safety, health, security, and environmental issues, including wildlife rights. From my observations, this aspect has been lacking in our development projects regardless of their scale and size.


For instance, we have failed to take into account important factors like the Wildlife Act and Land Code for proper land management when clearing jungles for estate development projects, resulting in issues such as stray dogs, monkeys, and crocodiles.


By addressing these issues, we can ensure that our projects are carried out responsibly and sustainably, taking into consideration the well-being of wildlife and the environment. This will contribute to the overall success and long-term benefits of our development initiatives.

Pegawai Kanan menjawab soalan

In addition, I also wanted to highlight the importance of community engagement and participation in the decision-making process of development projects. It is crucial to involve local residents, stakeholders, and experts to gather diverse perspectives and ensure that projects truly meet the needs and aspirations of the community.


Furthermore, I also wanted to emphasize the significance of conducting thorough impact assessments prior to implementing any development project to preserve and sustain the prosperity of the larger community, especially the well-being of small enterprises such as farmers and vegetable sellers, fishmongers, and others. 


This includes assessing the potential social, economic, and environmental consequences of the project. By doing so, we can identify potential challenges and implement necessary measures to mitigate any negative impacts.


Regarding environmental concerns, I wanted to highlight the need to seriously implement sustainable practices and the integration of green technologies in our development projects. 

Penduduk Mukim Seria

This would not only help in preserving the natural resources and biodiversity but also contribute to mitigating climate change and promoting a greener and more resilient future.


Overall, my proposal aims to promote responsible and sustainable development that takes into account the well-being of the community, wildlife, and the environment. By prioritizing long-term planning, community engagement, and environmental considerations, we can ensure that our development projects contribute positively to the overall well-being and future prosperity of the Belait District and its residents.

It is essential that we establish a clear vision for the district, aligning our efforts towards its realization. This vision should embrace the natural beauty and resources of the Belait District, similar to how the Temburong District is recognized as the Green Jewel of Brunei Darussalam. By doing so, we can guide our policies, activities, and development projects in a way that preserves and enhances the district's environmental integrity.


Penduduk Mukim Seria
Furthermore, we must integrate comprehensive research and strategic planning into our project execution process. This includes considering important factors such as safety, health, security, and wildlife rights. Currently, there is a lack of attention to these aspects, leading to unintended consequences. For instance, when clearing jungles for estate development, we overlook wildlife protection measures outlined in the Wildlife Act and Land Code. This negligence has resulted in issues like stray dogs, monkeys, and crocodiles. To ensure responsible and sustainable development, we must rectify these oversights and implement proper land management practices.

Community engagement is another crucial aspect of our development endeavors. We need to actively involve local residents, stakeholders, and experts in the decision-making process. Their diverse perspectives and insights will enable us to address the specific needs and aspirations of the community. By fostering collaboration and inclusive participation, we can ensure that our projects genuinely serve the best interests of the people.

Penduduk Mukim Seria

Additionally, conducting thorough impact assessments before implementing any development project is paramount. Such assessments should encompass social, economic, and environmental aspects. 

By anticipating and mitigating potential challenges, we can safeguard the well-being of the larger community, particularly small enterprises like farmers, vegetable sellers, and fishmongers. Their prosperity is closely linked to the success of our development initiatives, and we must take their livelihoods into account.


In tackling environmental concerns, we must embrace sustainable practices and integrate green technologies into our projects. By doing so, we can conserve natural resources, protect biodiversity, and reduce our carbon footprint. This commitment to environmental stewardship aligns with global efforts to address climate change and paves the way for a greener and more resilient future.

By adhering to these principles of responsible and sustainable development, we can ensure that the Belait District thrives in harmony with its natural surroundings. It is our duty to prioritize the long-term well-being of our community, protect wildlife and their habitats, and preserve the beauty of our environment for generations to come. Together, let us work towards a prosperous and sustainable future for the Belait District and its residents. 

(MHO May 17 2023)

Sunday, May 14, 2023



In the early hours, when dawn awakes,
I lace my shoes and venture forth,
To the park, where serenity takes,
As golden rays, embrace the Earth.

With every step, the worries fade,
Left behind, as if they never were,
As morning's touch begins to cascade,
Through body, mind, and soul, so pure.

The path unfurls, beneath my feet,
Each stride a rhythm, a tranquil beat,
As nature's whispers softly greet,
The world awakening, in retreat.

The sun emerges, a radiant fire,
Casting its warmth, upon my skin,
Igniting hope, igniting desire,
Welcoming new days, where dreams begin.

With each inhalation of crisp, fresh air,
My lungs expand, embracing life's bloom,
And worries, like mist, dissolve in thin air,
As the light dispels the shadows of gloom.

The trees stand tall, like ancient sentinels,
Their branches reaching toward the sky,
Nature's embrace, a symphony that compels,
A connection deep, as time floats by.

As the horizon beckons, I move ahead,
Leaving footprints on this sacred ground,
With each stride, my spirit is fed,
And new beginnings, I have found.

So, jog along, with grace and stride,
Embrace the morning's gentle caress,
Let worries vanish, like the tide,
As you journey towards life's happiness.

For in the park, at morning's birth,
As the first rays of the sun appear,
Your body, mind, and soul find worth,
A cleansing balm, so crystal clear.

Leave behind your cares and plight,
Embrace the beauty that lies in store,
As you jog towards the rising light,
A journey of renewal, forevermore.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023


Merdeka bermaksud "bebas" atau "merdeka". Ia adalah kata dalam bahasa Melayu yang melambangkan kemerdekaan dan kebebasan dari penjajahan atau keterbelengguan. 

Makna ini telah menjadi sangat penting dalam sejarah banyak negara, terutama yang telah mencapai kemerdekaan politik dari penjajahan asing.

Secara umum, merdeka merujuk kepada hak untuk menentukan nasib sendiri dan menguruskan urusan dalam masyarakat tanpa campur tangan luar. 

Ia melibatkan kedaulatan politik, kebebasan berpendapat, hak asasi manusia, dan keadilan sosial.

Istilah "Merdeka" menjadi simbol penting dalam perjuangan bangsa-bangsa yang berjuang untuk membebaskan diri mereka bukan hanya dari penjajahan fisik semata-mata, tetapi juga dari pengaruh asing yang mungkin membatasi kemerdekaan dan kedaulatan mereka.

Merdeka memiliki makna yang lebih luas dan tidak terbatas hanya pada pembebasan dari penjajahan saja.

Merdeka sebenarnya melibatkan pemulihan hak-hak asasi manusia, kebebasan politik, sosial, budaya, dan ekonomi. 

Ini berarti bangsa yang merdeka memiliki hak untuk menentukan nasib sendiri, mengambil keputusan yang mempengaruhi kehidupan mereka, dan mengatur urusan dalam masyarakat mereka tanpa campur tangan atau penindasan dari pihak asing.

Merdeka juga mencakup pembebasan dari penindasan dan ketidakadilan dalam segala bentuknya, termasuk ketidakseimbangan sosial dan ekonomi. 

Merdeka berarti menghormati martabat manusia dan memastikan keadilan serta kesetaraan bagi semua individu dalam masyarakat.

Dengan demikian, merdeka bukanlah sesuatu yang mutlak atau terbatas pada aspek fisik semata, tetapi juga mencakup kebebasan dan kedaulatan dalam segala aspek kehidupan.

Lihatlah berapa banyak negara yang mencapai kemerdekaan secara fizikal, tetapi masih lagi dijajah secara bukan fizikal. 

Kepesatan teknologi hari ini telah memudahkan ancaman penjajahan bentuk baharu terutamanya dalam bentuk budaya dan pemikiran. 

Benar penjajah sudah lama pergi. Tetapi budaya dan pemikiran mereka masih kental mencengkam setiap aspek bernegara daripada sistem politik, ekonomi ataupun sosial.

Jadi, apakah erti kata merdeka atau kebebasan yang sebenar? 

Merdeka dari sudut Islam

Pandangan dan konsep Islam tentang merdeka didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip agama yang melibatkan kebebasan individu, keadilan, dan kemerdekaan yang lebih luas.

Dalam Islam, konsep kemerdekaan berakar pada pemahaman bahwa Allah SWT adalah satu-satunya autoriti tertinggi, dan manusia memiliki kemerdekaan untuk menyembah-Nya secara bebas dan mengikuti petunjuk agama-Nya. Islam mengajarkan bahwa setiap individu memiliki kebebasan untuk memilih dan mempraktikkan agamanya dengan penuh keyakinan dan tanpa paksaan.

Selain kebebasan beragama, Islam juga menekankan pentingnya kebebasan pikiran, pendapat, dan ekspresi. Konsep "ijtihad" dalam Islam memberikan kebebasan kepada individu untuk memahami dan menafsirkan ajaran agama sesuai dengan konteks dan keperluan zaman mereka. Ini mencerminkan pendekatan inklusif dalam mencapai kebenaran dan memahami keanekaragaman dalam pemikiran dan pendapat.

Namun, penting untuk diingat bahwa kemerdekaan dalam Islam tidak berarti kebebasan tanpa batas. Islam menggarisbawahi keadilan dan ketertiban dalam masyarakat. Kemerdekaan individu harus dijalankan dalam kerangka syariat Islam dan tidak boleh melanggar hak-hak orang lain atau nilai-nilai moral yang ditetapkan oleh agama.

Dalam konteks sosial dan politik, Islam menekankan pentingnya kedaulatan dan kemerdekaan bangsa dalam mengatur urusan internal mereka. Pemerintahan yang adil dan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip syariat Islam dianggap sebagai landasan bagi masyarakat yang merdeka.

Secara keseluruhan, pandangan dan konsep Islam tentang merdeka mencakup kebebasan beragama, berpikir, dan berpendapat, serta kemerdekaan politik dan sosial yang dijalankan dengan prinsip-prinsip keadilan dan syariat Islam.

Sementara itu, Alexis de Tocqueville dalam bukunya Democracy in America (1835) melihat kebebasan (kemerdekaan) sebagai sesuatu yang boleh dan sering merosakkan. 

Walaupun begitu, kebebasan sentiasa akan membuka jalan untuk pembinaan semula dan apa yang dibina dengan kebebasan selalunya akan kekal lama. 

Namun, menurut Tocqueville, akhlak dan agama adalah pra syarat kepada kebebasan kerana kebebasan tanpa akhlak adalah tidak bermakna, dan akhlak tanpa agama tiada gunanya.

Jati diri

Perkara itu juga dipersetujui oleh seorang sasterawan bahasa Melayu dan pemikir keturunan Minangkabau.

Sebab itu beliau mencirikan konsep merdeka sebagai 'berubah daripada segala perbuatan dan kepercayaan yang bodoh, mematikan akal dan menyekat kemajuan kepada perbuatan dan kepercayaan yang cerdik, membebaskan fikiran dan menggalakkan kemajuan'. 

Kepada beliau, kemerdekaan yang sebenar adalah kemerdekaan minda dan jiwa yang dipupuk menerusi pembinaan jati diri yang dibentuk oleh empat aspek utama: agama, bahasa, pendidikan dan sikap (akhlak). 

Aspek terpenting di antara keempat-empat itu sudah tentulah agama. Menurut Za’ba, hanya dengan agama sahajalah jiwa manusia akan mengecapi kemerdekaan yang sebenar.

Menurut beliau, hanya ajaran dan amalan agama yang betul akan memerdekakan manusia daripada bertaklid dan pasrah secara membuta tuli kepada mana-mana makhluk. 

Dalam masa yang sama agama juga menjadi pengimbang kepada penggunaan rasional akal secara berlebihan. 

Sebab itulah elemen islah berdalilkan al-Quran yang bersendikan akal dan ilmu pengetahuan sentiasa ditekankan oleh Za’ba dalam membetulkan segala kekurangan atau kelemahan.

Perkara inilah nanti yang akan menukarkan segala kekolotan fikiran dengan pemikiran yang lebih ideal dan seterusnya memerdekakan jiwa manusia.

Malah, Islam turut memperlihatkan bagaimana Nabi SAW diutuskan ALLAH SWT untuk memerdekakan manusia daripada kesesatan dan kezaliman kepada kebenaran dan keadilan. 

Kedatangan Islam menjadi simbol kemerdekaan manusia daripada segala bentuk belenggu dan penjajahan kepada kebebasan yang sebenar agar manusia tidak tunduk dan takut kepada mana-mana makhluk atau kuasa selain ALLAH SWT.

Dengan bertauhid dan sentiasa mengamalkan suruhan-Nya, Islam membebaskan jasad dan akal manusia daripada belenggu duniawi yang sempit dan fana. 

Lantaran itu, umat Islam akan sentiasa berusaha untuk melakukan yang terbaik di atas kesedaran bahawa dunia hanyalah persinggahan sementara dan segalanya akan diperhitungkan oleh ALLAH di akhirat kelak.

Justeru, konsep kemerdekaan tidak boleh berdiri secara sendiri dan mutlak. Ia harus disandarkan dengan kehakikian akal dan jiwa manusia yang fitrahnya merdeka.

Hanya dengan membebaskan jiwa dan minda daripada segala dogma yang sesat dan sempit menerusi rasional akal, ajaran agama serta akhlak yang baik sahaja akan mampu menerbitkan erti merdeka yang sebenar.(MHO0523)

Sunday, May 7, 2023

A Sunday Culinary Journey

 A Sunday Culinary Journey

In each confident stride, I savored the moment,
Contemplating where to indulge, a delicious component,
Ahtong's tempting delights or CA Mohammad's fare,
A tantalizing decision, as I strolled with care.

The vibrant scenes around me still caught my eye,
As flavors danced in my thoughts, reaching the sky,
The aroma of spices mingled with nature's sweet scent,
Enhancing my journey, leaving me content.

With every step, anticipation grew,
As I weighed the options, both old and new,
Ahtong's flavorsome creations, a taste sensation,
Or CA Mohammad's curry, invoking pure elation?

The culinary feast awaited, a savory affair,
Each establishment's reputation beyond compare,
Should I savor Ahtong's noodles, a local pride,
Or CA Mohammad's curry, a spicy joyride?

Nature's beauty whispered, guiding my choice,
Reminding me to cherish each savory voice,
For it's not just the destination, but the journey too,
A blend of flavors and scenery, an experience to pursue.

So, as I savored each stride, I let my thoughts roam,
Weighing the flavors, considering taste's home,
In this peaceful Sunday morning, I found my delight,
A fusion of culinary wonders and nature's exquisite sight.

For it's not just the food, but the memories we create,
The moments we cherish, the flavors we appreciate,
So, with each stride, I embraced the uncertainty,
Ready to embark on a culinary odyssey.

In this brisk walk, where taste and nature unite,
I found the balance, pure and right,
Ahtong or CA Mohammad, a choice to make,
But in the end, the experience is the joy I take.

(MHO 07/05/2023)

Friday, May 5, 2023

Saint Angela's Triumphs Over Chung Hwa Middle School in Thrilling Footba...

Saint Angela's School Triumphs Over Chung Hwa Middle School in Thrilling Football Friendly Match In a thrilling football match held at Padang Arena Seria, Saint Angela's School emerged victorious over Chung Hwa Middle School with a score of 5-0. The match drew a large crowd, including students, parents, and friends from both schools, who showed up in full force to cheer on their teams. The game started off with both teams displaying their skills and tactics, but it was the Saint Angela's School team that took control early on. The team's precise passing and impressive teamwork enabled them to score the first goal within the first 10 minutes of the game. Despite the best efforts of Chung Hwa Middle School, the Saint Angela's School team continued to dominate the game, with their attacking players managing to outwit the opposition's defense on several occasions. By halftime, the score stood at 2-0 in favor of Saint Angela's School. In the second half, the Chung Hwa Middle School team tried to make a comeback and put pressure on the opposition's defense, but the Saint Angela's School team remained resolute and held their ground. The Saint Angela's School team continued to create chances and score goals, adding three more to their tally to secure a resounding victory. The match ended with a final score of 5-0, with Saint Angela's School emerging as the clear winners. The team's players and supporters erupted in joy and excitement as they celebrated their hard-earned victory. The players were awarded medals for their exceptional performance, and the school principal praised the team for their hard work and dedication. The football match between Saint Angela's School and Chung Hwa Middle School was a great display of determination and sportsmanship. Both teams showed remarkable spirit and played the game with the utmost respect for each other, making it an enjoyable experience for all who were present.

Monday, May 1, 2023

BERAYA bersama keluarga besar NDP

     Alhamdullilah dapat berhari raya bersama keluarga besar Parti Pembangunan Bangsa (NDP) pada 29 April 2023 di Limabruh Hijau, Markas NDP di Jerudong.

    Dimajlis tersebut saya diberikan penghormatan selaku Pengerusi Lembaga Penasihat NDP menyampaikan ucapan sambutan Hari Raya Idul Fitri.

    Saya mengucapkan salam kepada Presiden, Timbalan Presiden, Setiausaha Agung, Pengerusi Tetap, ahli-ahli Majlis Tertinggi dan ahli-ahli NDP yang hadir.

    Saya menyentuh tentang suasana kegembiraan ketika merayakan Hari Raya Idul Fitri dan berharap semua orang dapat merayakannya bersama keluarga dan sahabat tercinta. 

    Saya meluahkan harapan agar rasa kasih sayang dan kegembiraan Hari Raya dapat memperkukuh kesatuan kita semua bukan sahaja sebagai satu keluarga besar NDP tetapi sebagai satu bangsa yang sehati dan sejiwa.

    Selanjutnya, saya menegaskan bahwa kita semua harus terus bersama dan bersatu dalam memperjuangkan kepentingan rakyat dan negara kita. 

    Saya juga menyeru agar menggunakan momentum Hari Raya ini untuk memperkuat hubungan silaturahim dan komitmen kita untuk bekerja bersama demi masa depan yang lebih baik untuk bangsa dan anak cucu kita.

    Saya mengingatkan diri saya sendiri dan semua anggota NDP tentang prinsip kesatuan dalam perjuangan politik NDP. Prinsip atau dasar kesatuan dalam Parti Pembangunan dibentuk melalui pendekatan konsep kesatuan dalam konteks Islam, yaitu (lita ra’afoo, lita ‘awanu arrahman arrahim) berkenalan-kenalan, bertolong-tolongan, dan berkasih sayang.

    Saya menegaskan bahwa berkenalan-kenalan, bertolong-tolongan, dan berkasih sayang adalah hal-hal yang sangat dianjurkan dalam Islam untuk membentuk masyarakat yang saling menghargai dan saling membantu.

    Oleh karena itu, kita harus terus menjunjung dan menghayati prinsip tersebut sebagai asas keutuhan dan survivaliti parti ini. MHO/05/23





Sunday, December 26, 2021

Renung-renung, bersyukur dan usah bersedih

 Sesungguhnya Allah itu maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang.

 Kita manusia dirahmatiNya dengan berbagai macam nikmat.

 Nikmat kesihatan, keselamatan, nikmat udara untuk bernafas, nikmat air untuk minum, mandi dan cuci, nikmat pakaian, makanan dan bermacam-macam lagi nimkat.

 "...Dan jika kamu menghitung nikmat Allah nescaya lemahlah kamu menentukan bilangannya...” (Surah Ibrahim 14: 34)

 Semua disediakan untuk kita umat manusia tetapi kita tetap hidup dalam kejahilan.

 "Tidakkah kamu memperhatikan bahawa Allah telah memudahkan untuk kegunaan kamu apa yang ada di langit dan yang ada di bumi, dan telah melimpahkan kepada kamu nikmat-nikmatNya yang zahir dan yang batin? Dalam pada itu, ada di antara manusia orang yang membantah mengenai (sifat-sifat) Allah dengan tidak berdasarkan sebarang pengetahuan atau sebarang petunjuk; dan tidak juga berdasarkan mana-mana Kitab Allah yang menerangi kebenaran”. (Surah Luqman 31: 20)

 Allah ciptakan untuk kita telinga, mata dan lidah, serta dua kaki dan dua tangan.

 “Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu, yang kamu hendak dustakan (wahai umat manusia dan jin)? (Ar Rahman 55: 13)

 Coba bayangkan jika kita berjalan tanpa kaki. Bayangkan kita tidak ada hidung untuk menghidu bau-bauan yang nyaman, masakan yang lazat dan menghidu bauan yang boleh memudaratkan.

Bayangkan betapa nyenyaknya kita tidur di katil yang empuk dan dalam bilek yang berhawa dingin.

Dan coba kita renungkan berapa ramai manusia yang tidak dapat menikmati tidur yang nyenyak seperti kita.

Apakah kita sudah lupa sedang kita menikmati makanan dan minuman yang lazat lagi berkhasiat, berjuta manusia yang lain kelaparan kerana kemiskinan, sakit dan menderita penyakit yang ditimpakan kepada mereka.

Renunglah betapa nikmatnya kita yang mempunyai telinga yang boleh mendengar dan mata yang boleh melihat sedangkan ramai lagi manusia lain yang tidak diberikan nikmat sedemikian.

Renungkanlah betapa nikmatnya kita dapat menggunakan otak untuk kita berfikir sedangkan ramai manusia yang ditimpakan penyakit mental tidak dapat merasakan nikmat sedemikian.

Sungguh betapa tidak ternilai harga nikmat yang Allah berikan. Semua nikmat itu sudah tentu tidak kita mahu ditukarganti dengan wang ringgit atau dengan emas sekalipun.

Tetapi manusia mudah lupa. Ia selalu bersungut, mudah bersedih dan mudah stress apabila hajat tidak kesampaian, apabila apa yang kita inginkan tidak dapat tercapai.

Manusia mudah lupa bahawa Allah sudah menyediakan kunci untuk kita melalui kehidupan yang dirahmatiNya dengan nikmat kebahagian hidup yang melimpah ruah.

Maka renung-renungkanlah dan bersyukurlah kepada Allah yang telah memilih kita untuk dicurahkaNya dengan rahmat nikmat hidup secara FOC.

Semoga dengan kesedaran sedemikian kita dapat melalui kehidupan yang tenang, sejahtera dan bahagia tanpa stress dan perlu depress. Walllahuwalam bisawab.