Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Sexual Harassment Cases Double: Brunei Victims Demand Action

By: Malai Hassan Othman


BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPTEMBER 2024 – Three years after former Legislative Council (LegCo) member YB Khairunnisa Hj Ash’ari called for a zero-tolerance policy on sexual harassment in Brunei workplaces, victims continue to feel abandoned.


Despite the rising number of complaints - doubling to 23 in 2023 - the government’s response has largely been limited to referencing existing legislation without taking substantive actions, such as providing clear reporting mechanisms or launching the long-promised national survey.


In the March 2024 LegCo session, YB Hjh Safiah Sheikh Hj Abd Salam reported a sharp increase in sexual harassment cases, noting that 23 complaints were lodged in 2023, compared to 13 cases in 2022.


She emphasised that many victims remain silent due to fear of retaliation or a lack of confidence in the existing reporting systems. YB Hjh Safiah also underscored that the true number of cases is likely much higher, as the majority of victims do not come forward.


"We are witnessing a significant rise in harassment complaints, but we know this is just the tip of the iceberg. The government must act swiftly to protect women in the workplace, or we will continue to see these numbers rise," YB Hjh Safiah stated during the session.


She also reiterated the urgent need for a national survey to gather comprehensive data on workplace harassment and better understand the extent of the problem.


However, as of 2024, the survey has yet to be launched.

Stronger Victim Voices: Real-Life Stories of Fear and Silence

The lack of government action has left many victims feeling they have no choice but to remain silent.


One anonymous victim shared her story of enduring harassment during an internship: "I experienced harassment at one of my internships, but I did nothing. I was too scared that speaking up would ruin my career before it even started. Looking back, I wish I had known where to go for help."


Another woman described being harassed by her supervisor, who repeatedly sent her inappropriate messages and made advances.


Despite reporting the issue to HR, she was told her case would not affect the company because it was a "private matter" between her and her boss.


"They even said I should pity him because he’s old and has a family. I felt helpless," she said.


The emotional toll of these experiences weighs heavily on victims, who often feel trapped between losing their jobs or enduring continued harassment.


Many fear that reporting harassment will lead to retaliation, as one employee recalled: "After I rejected my supervisor’s advances, his attitude toward me changed. He kept finding faults in everything I did, and I had no one to turn to."


For many victims, the experience is not just about the harassment itself but also the trauma of being ignored and feeling unprotected.


The "Me Too" Movement: A Global Voice for Brunei?

In the face of government inaction, discussions are growing about whether Brunei might see the rise of its own "Me Too" movement.


Globally, the movement has empowered victims of sexual harassment to share their stories, break their silence, and push for systemic change.


On social media, victims and advocates have begun discussing the possibility of creating a Brunei-specific version of the movement, allowing victims to speak up anonymously without fear of retaliation.


One social media user commented, "We need to make sure that harassers face real consequences. The time for silence is over—maybe it’s time for our own ‘Me Too.’"


PM’s Office and the Legal Framework: What Happened to the Code of Conduct?

In March 2021, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), through Minister YB Dato Seri Setia Hj Awg Abdul Mokti Hj Mohd Daud, announced that it was preparing guidelines to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.


These guidelines aimed to introduce a formal code of conduct for both public and private sectors, establishing a framework for reporting and addressing workplace harassment.


However, as of 2024, the code of ethics has yet to be fully published or circulated, raising concerns about the government’s commitment to its implementation.


Pehin Orang Kaya Laila Setia Bakti Diraja Dato Laila Utama Haji Awang Isa, the Special Adviser to His Majesty the Sultan, also referenced existing laws addressing sexual harassment during earlier LegCo discussions.


He pointed to: -


  • Penal Code Chapter 22 Section 59, which addresses words, gestures, or acts intended to insult the modesty of women,

  • Syariah Criminal Law Chapter 4 Section 197, which addresses inappropriate behaviour.


While these laws provide a legal framework, many advocacy groups, including Project Women and the Women Graduates Association (PSW), have called for clearer reporting mechanisms and stronger enforcement to ensure victims feel protected when coming forward with complaints.

Startling Data: Most Victims Stay Silent, Unaware of Protections

One of the most alarming revelations came during a LegCo meeting, where it was reported that 74 per cent of those who experienced sexual harassment did not lodge a report, and 84 per cent of victims were unaware of existing laws that could protect them.


This lack of awareness about legal protections, combined with fears of retaliation, prevents many victims from coming forward.


Nur Judy Abdullah, founder of Project Women, highlighted this issue, stressing the need for public awareness campaigns and legal education so that women know their rights and understand how to seek help.


"We must do more to educate women about their rights and provide them with safe channels to report harassment," she said.


Zero-Tolerance Policies: An Unmet Call Since 2021

In her 2021 LegCo speech, YB Khairunnisa Hj Ash’ari emphasised the need for a zero-tolerance policy on sexual harassment, urging both the public and private sectors to adopt a firm stance against harassment.


She pointed to Brunei Shell Petroleum as a model for enforcing zero-tolerance in its workplace, encouraging other organisations to follow suit.


However, despite her call, the zero-tolerance policy remains unmet as of 2024, leaving many victims vulnerable in their workplaces.


YB Khairunnisa has since completed her 5-year term, but her call for action continues to resonate among victims and advocates.


A Call to Action: Zero Tolerance Is the Only Way Forward

Advocates argue that the only way forward is to adopt zero-tolerance policies that ensure swift and clear consequences for offenders.


Pg Zabaidah and Nur Judy Abdullah, founder of Project Women, have been calling for new legislation similar to Brunei’s Women and Girls Protection Act, which would provide specific avenues for victims to lodge complaints and guarantee protection from retaliation.


"Sexual harassment must not be tolerated anywhere, and the government must lead the way in ensuring that all workplaces adopt a culture of respect and safety," said Nur Judy Abdullah.


Conclusion: Victims Demand Action Now

The time for action is now. With sexual harassment complaints on the rise and victims increasingly frustrated, the government must deliver on its promises.


Zero-tolerance policies, clear reporting mechanisms, and the immediate publication of the code of conduct are essential for making workplaces safe for everyone.


Until the government takes these steps, victims of sexual harassment in Brunei will continue to suffer in silence, waiting for the protection they deserve. (MHO/09/2024)

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