Monday, June 5, 2023

Can Brunei Rise as an Investment Powerhouse?

Let us examine the current discourse surrounding Brunei's investment climate, which has been generating significant attention in various media outlets.


Brunei appears poised to embrace substantial business opportunities across multiple sectors. 


The nation has identified five key areas of focus: oil and gas downstream activities, food production, information and communication technology, services, and tourism. 


It is worth noting that these developmental agendas have been conceptualized for several decades, including initiatives to transform Brunei into an international gateway for information communication (B.I.I.G) and a regional service hub for trade and tourism service (SHuTT), and even aspirations to establish Brunei as a financial center. 


While progress has been slow due to issues of political will and inertia, recent efforts aim to create a conducive environment for local and regional investors to collaborate with Bruneian companies in realizing these ambitions.


During a recent BIMP-EAGA B2B bilateral forum, Daniel Leong, the Acting CEO of the Brunei Economic Development Board (BEDB) and Darussalam Enterprise (DARe), emphasized the potential for business collaboration in the food sector. He discussed opportunities in high-value aquaculture, high-tech agriculture farming, and various value chain activities. 

Furthermore, the government, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and Economy (MoFE), BEDB, and Muara Port Company, has unveiled ambitious plans to enhance connectivity and streamline the flow of goods and services within the region. 


These plans encompass the establishment of a BIMP EAGA Transshipment Hub, with Muara Port positioned at the strategic epicenter of these endeavors. By bolstering connectivity with China and other countries, Brunei aspires to transform Muara Port into a pivotal hub, catering not only to Borneo Island but also the broader region.


However, amidst the optimism, some observers express reservations about the potential for Brunei's economy to experience a swift recovery. 


These individuals remain skeptical about the government's ability to attract foreign investments and create tangible opportunities for the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 


Various concerns have been raised, particularly regarding the solidity and reliability of Brunei's legal framework, with calls for the government to augment its efforts in providing enhanced protection for private investors.


Conversely, certain commentators highlight Brunei's historical openness to foreign investments and reference successful projects such as Hengyi, BFI, and MPC, which have already left their mark. 


These proponents argue that Brunei has actively promoted and endeavored to attract foreign investments.


The question then arises: Can Brunei genuinely establish itself as a flourishing investment destination? 


Opinions on this matter diverge. Some contend that progress will be gradual, taking into consideration Brunei's comparative disadvantage in terms of attractiveness compared to neighboring countries with larger populations, stronger economies, and greater development opportunities. 


Nevertheless, they maintain that genuine prospects for local SMEs to thrive exist, despite the paucity of success stories thus far.


Critics of Brunei's approach argue that it lacks the necessary assertiveness in devising policies that effectively attract investments. 


They draw comparisons to countries such as Luxembourg and Singapore, which have successfully enticed substantial investments and witnessed marked improvements in their overall standards of living. 


These critics believe that Brunei necessitates a wake-up call to attract fresh talent and expertise capable of catalyzing change.


Another noteworthy consideration is Brunei's unique advantage in the halal products market. 


Although this potential has been acknowledged, Brunei has yet to fully capitalize on it. 


The prevailing constraint appears to be a dearth of skilled and experienced individuals capable of transforming this idea into tangible economic gains. 


Unlocking the potential of halal products requires the involvement of creative minds capable of turning this concept into a profitable endeavor.


Furthermore, observers note that remnants of Brunei's colonial past hinder progress. 


They also argue that the government's focus on its own interests sometimes overshadows the necessity to strike a balanced equilibrium between business and consumer interests. 


To move forward, they posit that Brunei must adopt a more inclusive and accommodating stance, reduce racial biases, and exhibit greater openness toward other nationalities. 


Failure to do so risks perpetuating outdated colonial practices, effectively trapping the nation in a time warp.


In conclusion, opinions on Brunei's investment potential are varied, with proponents and skeptics alike voicing their perspectives. 


Key areas of concern raised include the establishment of solid laws, reliable regulations, attractive incentives, and a more balanced approach to addressing the interests of both businesses and consumers. 


The question of whether Brunei will emerge as a thriving investment hub remains unanswered, and only time will provide the definitive answer. (MHO04/06/23)

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

A Painting Unveils Brunei's Energy Transformation

As I strolled through Billion Barrel Park, my attention was captivated by a painting adorning a column. At first glance, it appeared to be a simple depiction of a gasoline pump. Yet, when I stepped back and observed it from a fresh perspective, an entirely new narrative unfurled before my eyes.


In the background, a nodding donkey stood tall. The juxtaposition of the gas pump painting against this nodding donkey background served as a symbolic representation of Brunei's oil and gas industry, both in the present and the future.


Presently, Brunei Shell dominates the market, exercising a monopoly over the entire process, from gas extraction to its sale. 

However, winds of change are beginning to sweep across the industry. New players have emerged, procuring oil from Brunei Shell and assuming responsibility for the refining process, resulting in the production of gasoline and other valuable commodities. This transformation has paved the way for other companies to enter the market, fostering increased competition and offering consumers more choices.


Meanwhile, there's a global movement towards cleaner and more sustainable energy, and Brunei wants to be part of it too. They're exploring different ways to generate energy, like using solar power and harnessing sunlight to make hydrogen. Brunei also aims to reduce carbon emissions by capturing and storing them, while promoting electric vehicles and improving public transportation.


These changes have significant impacts on Brunei's economy and society. 

On the economic side, more companies entering the energy industry means more jobs and opportunities for growth. It also attracts investments, allowing Brunei to expand and develop new sectors.


Socially, embracing cleaner energy sources brings benefits for everyone. It improves the environment, making it healthier to live in. People also have more transportation options, like electric cars and better public transit, reducing pollution and making getting around easier.


However, it's crucial to ensure that these changes benefit everyone. That means making the transition fair and inclusive, ensuring equal access to new technologies and opportunities. It also means supporting those affected by the changes, especially workers in the traditional oil and gas industry.


The future of Brunei's oil and gas industry looks different from today. With more competition, cleaner energy sources, and new job opportunities, Brunei is embracing a more sustainable future. The painting serves as a powerful reminder of Brunei's energy transformation, a story of resilience and commitment to shaping a better tomorrow. MHO310523

Monday, May 29, 2023

Patah Sayap, Terangkat Juang

Saya terinspirasi oleh kata-kata saudara Abdullah Peter, Naib Presiden Tutong, dalam ucapan ringkasnya mengalu-alukan kehadiran kami semua di majlis sambutan (terlewat) Hari Raya anjuran Badan Perhubungan NDP Tutong.

Saudara Abdullah Peter melihat dengan bijak, bahwa NDP sekarang digerakan oleh sebilangan kecil penjuang politik, namun semangat mereka tetap kuat, walaupun rata-rata sudah kurang sihat lagi.

Ini adalah pengorbanan yang patut kita hargai, dan kita patut berbangga.


Dalam menghadapi cabaran politik dan kesehatan yang mungkin menghalang, mereka tetap bersemangat, tetap gigih, dan tidak berputus asa. 

Mereka merupakan pilar kekuatan dalam perjuangan ini. Mereka telah menunjukkan keberanian dan kesetiaan sejati.


Oleh itu, izinkanlah saya merakamkan keluhan mereka, dalam bentuk puisi yang kudus, sebagai penghormatan kepada Saudara Abdullah Peter dan juga kepada ahli-ahli NDP seluruhnya. 

Puisi ini adalah ungkapan rasa terima kasih kami dari Lembaga Penasihat NDP kepada mereka yang terus berjuang demi kepentingan bangsa dan negara.


Marilah kita bersama-sama memberikan penghargaan, kepada semua pejuang politik yang gigih dan berdedikasi, yang dengan penuh semangat terus berjuang, menghadapi segala cabaran dan rintangan yang menghadang.


Sekali lagi, terima kasih kepada Saudara Abdullah Peter dan kepada seluruh barisan kepimpinan dan ahli NDP.

Mari kita bersama-sama merayakan perjuangan ini, dan berharap agar setiap langkah kita mendapat limpahan rahmat-Nya.


Patah Sayap, Terangkat Juang


Patah sayap bertongkat paruh

Namun semangat perjuangan tak pernah sirna

Di dalam jiwa yang berkobar-kobar

Terus membara, mencipta harapan


Perjuangan tak berbentuk politik semata

Melampaui batas kepentingan diri

Tapi perjuangan besar, bagi nasib bangsa

Menyelamatkan negara dari kebinasaan


Meski perjuanganmu dianggap enteng

Seolah buang-buang waktu tanpa arti

Perutmu telah kenyang, apakah kau tak peduli?

Namun hatimu masih terpanggil untuk memikirkan lagi


Begitu banyak pejuang politik yang tersisa

Meski hanya sekubit, namun tak pudar semangat

Kesehatan mereka mungkin tak lagi mantap

Namun juang mereka tetap teguh, kuat dan sehat


Patah sayap bertongkat paruh

Namun perjuangan tak pernah terhenti

Hingga akhir hayat, kau tetap berjalan

Harapanmu, agar perjuangan tak sia-sia


Allah mengetahui segala yang kau lakukan

Setiap tetesan keringat, setiap langkah yang ditempuh

Semoga perjuanganmu mendapat rahmat-Nya

Balasan yang tiada tara, penuh keberkahan dan cinta


Teruslah berjuang, patah sayap yang berani

Bersama jiwa yang berkobar-kobar tak pernah padam

Jadikan perjuanganmu sebagai obor yang menerangi

Menuntun bangsa menuju masa depan yang penuh gemilang



Sunday, May 28, 2023

Kesabaran, Ketabahan, dan Sifat-Sifat Mulia Dalam Perjuangan Politik

KAMPONG KERAMUT TELESAI, TUTONG - Majlis sambutan Hari Raya yang dianjurkan oleh Naib Presiden NDP Tutong Saudara Abdullah Peter di kediamannya di Kampong Keramut Telesai Tutong berlangsung dengan meriah kelmarin.

Acara tersebut turut dihadiri oleh TYT Presiden NDP, Pengiran Haji Zainal, Setiausaha Agung NDP, Saudara Ahmad Timpus, Naib Presiden NDP Brunei Muara, Saudara Abd Razak, Naib Presiden NDP Belait, Saudara Haji Sulaiman Duraman dan ahli-ahli Majlis Tertinggi NDP serta ahli-ahli yang lain.

Di majlis itu para ahli-ahli parti politik bekesempatan mendengarkan pesan dan kata nasihat dari TYT Presiden dan Naib Presiden Tutong.


Saya selaku Pengerusi Lembaga Penasihat NDP juga diberikan peluang untuk berucap.


Mewakili Lembaga Penasihat NDP, saya mengungkapkan penghargaan yang mendalam kepada semua pihak atas komitmen dan semangat yang kuat dalam perjuangan politik. 


Saya menyoroti kenyataan bahwa perjuangan politik bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah, terutama di Brunei, di mana budaya politik masih belum sepenuhnya ramah terhadap rakyat dan terkadang terlalu terbatas.


Dalam konteks ini, saya mengajak semua pihak untuk merenung dan mengingat nilai-nilai yang seharusnya dianut sebagai pejuang rakyat. 


Saya menekankan bahwa kesabaran adalah sifat yang sangat penting bagi setiap ahli dan pemimpin politik.

Lebih jauh lagi, kesabaran bukanlah sekadar menahan emosi atau menghadapi kesulitan yang timbul dalam perjuangan politik. Ia juga berarti memahami keadaan dan maslahat rakyat, menjaga sikap rendah hati, dan berjuang dengan gigih untuk memperbaiki sistem politik yang ada. Dengan kesabaran, para pegiat politik menunjukkan dedikasi mereka kepada masyarakat yang mereka perjuangkan.


Saya juga menekankan bahwa perjuangan politik memerlukan ketabahan dan tekad yang kuat. 


Tidak peduli seberapa besar ujian yang dihadapi, para pejuang politik tidak boleh berhenti berusaha menjadikan politik sebagai alat perubahan positif dan memberikan kebaikan kepada rakyat. 


Perubahan yang berarti memerlukan waktu, kesabaran, dan usaha yang berterusan dan istiqamah


Oleh karena itu, para pejuang politik diharapkan terus melayani dengan kesabaran dan menjaga semangat melawan ketidakadilan serta memperjuangkan kepentingan rakyat.


Selanjutnya, saya menyoroti pentingnya sifat-sifat mulia dalam perjuangan politik, terutama bagi mereka yang telah menjadi pemimpin. 


Siddique, amanah, fatanah, dan tabligh adalah sifat-sifat yang diambil dari kepemimpinan Rasulullah SAW dan dianggap sangat penting dalam melaksanakan amanah dan tanggung jawab sebagai ahli politik yang menjadi suara rakyat.


Dalam konteks ini, saya menekankan pentingnya ketelusan, kejujuran, amanah, kebijaksanaan, dan dakwah dalam menjalankan amanah politik. 


Sebagai pemimpin politik, mereka harus menjadi contoh yang baik bagi masyarakat dengan memiliki kejujuran, integriti, dan amanah. 


Keberhasilan dalam menjaga kepercayaan yang diberikan oleh rakyat sangat bergantung pada kesetiaan dalam melaksanakan janji, menjaga keadilan, dan memperjuangkan kepentingan rakyat.


Kecerdasan dan kebijaksanaan juga menjadi kunci kejayaan dalam politik. 


Para pemimpin politik diharapkan memahami dengan baik isu-isu yang dihadapi oleh rakyat dan negara, serta mencari solusi yang inovatif dan efektif dalam menghadapi tantangan politik yang kompleks. 


Dengan memiliki kecerdasan dan kebijaksanaan, mereka dapat memimpin dengan lebih baik dan mencapai hasil yang positif.


Terakhir, saya menekankan bahwa berdakwah harus menjadi bahagian penting dari perjuangan politik. 


Sebagai pemimpin politik, mereka memiliki tanggung jawab untuk menyampaikan pesan-pesan kebaikan, moral, dan nilai-nilai positif kepada rakyat. Melalui berdakwah, mereka berupaya membawa perubahan positif dalam masyarakat, memerangi kemungkaran, dan mempromosikan kesetaraan, keadilan, dan keharmonian.

Saya mengajak semua pihak untuk menjalankan amanah politik dengan bersungguh-sungguh dengan mengamalkan sifat-sifat mulia yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya. 

Dengan memiliki sifat-sifat tersebut, para pemimpin politik dapat menjalankan tanggung jawab mereka dengan baik, menjauhkan kemungkaran dari pengurusan dan pentadbiran negara, serta membawa kebaikan bagi rakyat yang mereka perjuangkan.


Semoga semangat perjuangan politik yang didasari oleh kesabaran, ketabahan, dan sifat-sifat mulia ini terus tumbuh dalam diri semua pejuang politik. Mari tingkatkan keterlibatan dengan rakyat, mendengarkan suara mereka, dan bekerja sama untuk mencapai kemajuan berkelanjutan dan mapan bagi negara kita.(MHO28/05/23)

From Black Gold to Fading Reserves

As I stroll along during my routine Sunday morning walk, I pause to appreciate the row of monuments featuring paintings that depict the development of Brunei's oil and gas industry in Seria, the very seat of the nation's prosperity.

Among these artworks, one particular painting catches my eye—an exquisite portrayal of Brunei's oil industry's inception in 1929.

I have encountered these monuments countless times, but this time, it's different.

What draws my attention is a nodding donkey in the background, motionless as if suggesting that the well might have run dry.

In my mind, this picturesque scene captures a significant moment in Brunei's history—the birth of its oil industry in 1929. The painting depicts the extraction of the first drop of crude oil, forever altering the fate of a nation previously plagued by poverty.

This artwork portrays Brunei's transformation from a struggling nation to an oil-rich powerhouse. However, amidst the grandeur, the motionless nodding donkey, a familiar sight in the oil industry, stands tall but silent.

Here's the story of the scenario that caught my eye: Once an industrious pump, it now serves as a poignant reminder of Brunei's remarkable journey over the course of nearly a century.

For decades, Brunei's oil fields provided abundant reserves that fueled the nation's economic growth and improved the well-being of its people. The discovery of oil brought unprecedented wealth, facilitated infrastructure development, and elevated living standards throughout this Southeast Asian nation.

Yet, as time went by, the relentless extraction of oil began to take its toll. The once abundant reserves are now gradually depleting, a consequence of almost a century of production. The painting's panorama stretches into the horizon, revealing a landscape marked by diminishing oil production and the stark reality of nearing exhaustion.

This artwork invites us to contemplate the impermanence of natural resources and the profound impact they have on nations. It serves as a poignant reminder that Brunei's era of oil wealth, constructed over generations, is gradually drawing to a close.

While the future holds both opportunities and challenges for Brunei, this painting captures a crucial moment in time, celebrating the legacy of the oil industry that has indelibly shaped the nation. It urges us to reflect on the significance of sustainable practices, the diversification of industries, and the prudent management of finite resources.

As I gaze upon this artistic portrayal, it reminds me of the cyclical nature of prosperity and the necessity for countries like Brunei to adapt and evolve. This picture serves as a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of Brunei's people, who must now navigate a future beyond the era of black gold, seeking new pathways for progress and prosperity.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Pedals and Pop Fizzles Just Got Costlier!

Attention, bikers and riders! Get ready to fork over some extra dough for the pleasure of cruising the roads and treating yourself to a refreshing carbonated beverage. Brace yourselves, because Brunei has just unleashed a tax update that will make your wallet wince and your taste buds tremble!

Hold onto your handlebars, because motorcycles and bikes with auxiliary motors will now face a not-so-friendly excise tax of 30 percent (and a whopping 35 percent for those above 800 cubic centimeters). It's like they're saying, "Hey, you're having too much fun on those wheels, so let's make it a bit pricier, shall we?"


But wait, there's more! It's not just your bikes feeling the pinch; your favorite thirst-quenchers are also in the taxman's crosshairs. Prepare to shed some tears, because beverages with low sugar content will now be hit with an excise tax of four Brunei dollars per deciliter. Who would've thought that enjoying a guilt-free drink could be so taxing? Talk about a buzzkill!


According to the Ministry of Finance and Economy, these changes are aimed at streamlining the duty

structure and boosting business and investment in Brunei. Well, it seems they're taking an unconventional approach to achieve that. Perhaps they believe that squeezing a few extra bucks from bikers and soda lovers will somehow rev up the economy. Hey, stranger things have happened, right?

So, my fellow riders and carbonated connoisseurs, get ready for this rollercoaster ride of taxes. The road just got bumpier, the drinks just got fizzier, and your pockets just got lighter. 


Enjoy the ride, my friends, but don't forget to check your bank account before you take that satisfying swig of carbonated refreshment. Happy riding, and may your pockets be as resilient as your suspension! (MHO0523)


Friday, May 19, 2023

Brunei’s Senior Ladies to Rule the Roost

In 2050, Brunei is going to be an exciting place with a lot of older ladies having a great time. 


More than 100,000 amazing women will be taking charge and showing everyone how to enjoy their golden years. Just because you're getting older doesn't mean life has to be boring!


According to the United Nations (UN), in 2050, almost 30% of Brunei's population will be 60 years old or older. And guess what? Most of these older people will be women! Imagine this: if Brunei's population reaches one million, there could be over 200,000 seniors rocking their golden years and having a blast. They have so much wisdom and experience to share.


So get ready for a group of confident and fun-loving older ladies leading the way and living their best lives. They are changing the rules and proving that age doesn't matter. It will be an amazing sight to see, as these remarkable women inspire everyone to embrace life at any age.


But here's the cool part: this trend isn't just happening in Brunei. It's a worldwide thing. The World Institute for Asian Studies found that women in the Asia-Pacific region are standing out as seniors because they live longer. It's a movement, and Brunei is proudly part of it. (MHO0523)

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Stray Monkeys Trespassing: A Consequence of Negligence in Development Projects


The encroachment of stray monkeys into human domains has become a concerning issue that highlights the consequences of human carelessness in development projects. As urban areas expand and forests are cleared for development, wildlife displacement and the disruption of natural habitats have led to the rise of stray monkeys seeking refuge in human settlements. 


This article examines the problem, delving into the underlying causes and emphasizing the accountability of relevant authorities in executing development projects.


The Impact of Development on Wildlife


Development projects, aimed at enhancing infrastructure and meeting the needs of growing populations, often come at the expense of natural habitats. Forested areas are cleared without adequate consideration for the wildlife species that call them home. As their habitats diminish, animals, including monkeys, are forced to seek alternative sources of food, shelter, and territory, often leading them into human communities.


The Struggle for Survival: Monkeys and Human Encounters


Stray monkeys, displaced from their natural habitats, face numerous challenges as they venture into human domains. They struggle to find suitable food sources and suitable spaces to establish their territories. In search of sustenance, they often raid crops, garbage bins, and even homes, causing damage and posing potential risks to human safety. This conflict between humans and monkeys not only impacts the well-being of both parties but also exacerbates the strain on wildlife populations already struggling to adapt.

Negligence in Development Projects


The responsibility for addressing the issue of stray monkeys ultimately lies with the authorities responsible for planning and executing development projects. While development is necessary for societal progress, it is crucial that the impact on wildlife and the environment is given due consideration. Unfortunately, the failure to account for wildlife issues during the clearance of forested areas is a glaring example of negligence.


Mitigating the Stray Monkey Menace


To mitigate the problem of stray monkeys trespassing into human domains, it is imperative for relevant authorities to adopt a multi-faceted approach:


1. Wildlife Impact Assessments: Prior to commencing development projects, conducting comprehensive assessments of the potential impact on wildlife populations is vital. This includes assessing the migration patterns, habitat requirements, and ecological needs of the affected species.


2. Habitat Conservation: Incorporating measures to conserve and protect natural habitats within the development plan is essential. Designing green spaces, preserving wildlife corridors, and implementing reforestation efforts can provide alternative habitats for displaced animals.


3. Education and Awareness: Raising public awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation and responsible coexistence with animals is crucial. Educating communities about non-lethal deterrents, proper waste management, and the consequences of feeding monkeys can help reduce conflict.


4. Collaborative Efforts: Building partnerships between relevant authorities, environmental organizations, and community groups can facilitate effective management strategies. Implementing sterilization programs, establishing wildlife rehabilitation centers, and promoting sustainable development practices can yield positive outcomes.




The issue of stray monkeys trespassing into human domains in Brunei highlights the negative consequences of neglecting wildlife considerations in development projects. 


It is the responsibility of the relevant authorities to prioritize the preservation of natural habitats and implement effective measures to address this problem.


In Brunei, there are laws in place to protect wildlife and regulate land use. The Wildlife Protection Act [1978] establishes the Department of Museums as the authority responsible for wildlife-related matters, including the creation of wildlife sanctuaries. The Land Code [1909] and the Land Acquisition Act [1949] govern land allocation, management, and tenure, covering both private and state lands.


However, there have been instances where the enforcement and execution of these laws have been lacking, often due to authorities overseeing development projects disregarding the provisions. This situation calls for better coordination between the various actors involved in wildlife preservation and land management.


When development projects disregard wildlife conservation, animals like monkeys are displaced from their natural habitats and end up seeking refuge in human settlements. This can lead to conflicts and risks for both humans and animals.


To address this issue effectively, it is essential for authorities to enforce the Wildlife Protection Act and related legislation. This includes conducting wildlife impact assessments before starting development projects, preserving natural habitats within those projects, and raising public awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation.


By addressing these shortcomings and ensuring the proper implementation of laws, Brunei can work towards a future where humans and wildlife coexist harmoniously. This will help protect the country's natural heritage for generations to come. (MHO0523)