Thursday, June 15, 2023

Understanding Poverty in Brunei: Efforts, Challenges, and the Way Forward



The issue of poverty in Brunei has generated significant attention and discussion on social media, prompting a deeper exploration of this urgent matter. 


This article aims to delve into the extent of poverty, the ongoing efforts to address it, and the challenges encountered in combating this issue. 


Notably, a recent study has revealed a concerning anomaly in perception that hinders the effective alleviation of poverty. 


Consequently, this report will examine the various dimensions of poverty, shed light on existing initiatives, and discuss upcoming developments that show promise in tackling this issue.


The Magnitude of Poverty:


While poverty affects only a fraction of society in Brunei, its presence cannot be ignored. 


Although data on poverty in Brunei is limited, it is estimated that approximately five percent of the country's population lives in poverty. 


In fact, Brunei Darussalam ranks 11th out of 78 countries with regards to the percentage of its population living in poverty, with a reported rate of 43.7%. 


Statistics from 2012 indicated that over 5% of Brunei's population, equivalent to 20,790 individuals, were living in poverty. 


However, recent data suggests a slight improvement in the severity of poverty experienced in the country.


Efforts and Anomaly in Perception:


To tackle poverty effectively, it is crucial to understand the anomaly in perception surrounding this issue. 

Bruneians often use alternative terms like "living in need" and "difficult life" instead of explicitly using terms like "poverty" and "poor." 

This linguistic shift aims to protect individuals' self-confidence and self-esteem but poses challenges in accurately assessing the severity of poverty and implementing targeted interventions.


Limited Understanding and the Need for Research:

Brunei's unique context regarding poverty remains relatively under-researched, leading to a limited understanding of this socio-economic challenge within our nation. 

Bridging this knowledge gap requires a dedicated focus on research. By employing an exploratory research methodology and gathering data from poor and non-poor households, as well as key informants, we can gain valuable insights to inform policy-making and interventions.


Challenges in Combating Poverty:

Brunei's social protection schemes encounter various challenges that hinder their effectiveness. 

These challenges include limited coverage, differential treatment between public and private sectors, exclusion of unemployed individuals, and inadequate support for vulnerable groups such as divorcees, widows/widowers, single parents, orphans, the abused, and the disabled.


Efforts Towards Change and Addressing Challenges:

Recognizing the need for change, the Ministry of Finance and Economy, in collaboration with various ministries and organizations, has taken a proactive step. 

The development of the Social Protection Network (SKN) is aimed at streamlining access to social assistance. 

This online system, set to launch on July 15, will simplify the application process for Monthly Virtue Assistance (BKB) and zakat distribution, ensuring easier and more efficient support for the poor and needy.


A Comprehensive Approach:

To overcome the challenges in Brunei's social protection schemes, a comprehensive approach is essential. 

This involves addressing the shortcomings of the current system and expanding coverage to include long-term care and unemployment benefits. 

Furthermore, it requires bridging gaps in treatment between public and private sectors and providing adequate support for vulnerable groups. 

Enhancing transparency, governance, and management of social protection resources will contribute to the effectiveness of these schemes. 

Additionally, exploring alternative financing options and diversifying the economy will ensure the long-term sustainability of social protection policies.


Looking Ahead:

Brunei must continue prioritising research and policy changes to gain a comprehensive understanding of poverty and its underlying causes. 

By rectifying the anomaly in perception surrounding poverty and implementing effective social protection measures such as the SKN, we can make significant strides in improving the well-being of our population and fostering a more equitable society. 

Diversifying the economy and exploring alternative sources of revenue will also contribute to the long-term sustainability of social protection policies, mitigating uncertainties in future financing.



Through research, understanding, and concerted efforts, Brunei can address poverty holistically. 

By recognizing the magnitude of poverty, rectifying perception anomalies, and implementing initiatives like the SKN, we can foster positive change. 

Let us unite in our commitment to combat poverty, improve social protection, and create a brighter future for all Bruneians. Together, we can overcome the challenges and build a more inclusive and prosperous society. (MHO/JUNE/2023)

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Urgent Call for Environmental Responsibility

In a recent Friday sermon, environmental responsibility emerged as the paramount call to action, as the imams in mosques throughout the nation urged for a united effort to safeguard and preserve our fragile environment.

The sermon hammered home the irrefutable truth that the Earth is an invaluable blessing from Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala, stressing the intricate interdependence of all living beings within the vast ecosystem.

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Of particular concern was the rampant misuse of plastic materials, with the sermon revealing the chilling consequences for our environment, society, economy, and well-being.

Startling statistics were shared, a wake-up call that demanded responsible plastic consumption and meticulous waste management.

The sermon specifically pinpointed the disgraceful practice of wanton littering, particularly in our rivers and water bodies, urging responsible disposal of plastic waste and instilling an awareness of the devastating impacts on our natural beauty and the nation's reputation.

Fuelled by this sense of urgency, Brunei is now blazing a trail to confront environmental challenges head-on and prioritise the preservation of its river.

Recent reports reveal that the Ministry of Development has unleashed a bold plan, empowered by cutting-edge technologies, to wage war on the litter epidemic and revolutionize solid waste management.

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Trash skimmer boat

Imagine this: boat skimmers equipped with specialized mechanisms heroically gliding across the water's surface, rescuing floating debris, including the villainous plastic waste. The captured litter will then be transported by mighty barges to the appropriate disposal facilities.

But that's not all. Ingeniously positioned river debris booms will act as an impenetrable shield, defending delicate ecological zones and marine life habitats against the relentless onslaught of floating debris.

Reports further unveil the bold implementation of InfraWorks technology by the Department of Environment, Parks, and Recreation (JASTRe), acting as an impregnable fortress against land rubbish infiltrating the revered Brunei River.

This visionary software platform empowers us to erect cunning litter traps along the riverbanks, capturing solid waste propelled by runoff water before it desecrates our sacred waterways.

And there is no stopping Brunei's unwavering resolve to address environmental issues. The nation is wholeheartedly focusing on solid waste management by constructing a state-of-the-art waste-to-energy incinerator plant.

This revolutionary facility will conquer mountains of garbage daily, harnessing the power of combustion to generate electricity, leaving traditional landfill practices gasping for air.

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  • But the story doesn't end there. Brunei's Ministry of Development, acknowledging the critical importance of perpetual operations and maintenance, has bestowed paramount attention on waste disposal sites, elevating the esteemed waste transfer stations in Sungai Akar and Sungai Paku landfills.

    This unwavering commitment ensures the entire waste disposal process adheres to the highest standards of cleanliness and efficiency.

    Witnessing Brunei's steadfast dedication to environmental preservation and innovative waste management strategies leaves no doubt that this nation is at the forefront of positive change.

    By embracing these initiatives, Brunei forges an indomitable path toward a cleaner, healthier future for its citizens and the generations yet to come.

    Tuesday, June 6, 2023

    A Thrilling Showdown of Young Talents

    BELAIT Grassroots Football Tournament 2023

    A Thrilling Showdown of Young Talents


    On the sunny morning of June 3rd, the Arena Football Field in Seria came alive with enthusiastic cheers and exhilarating energy as the highly anticipated BELAIT Grassroots Football Tournament 2023 kicked off.

    The Pertubuhan Bolasepak Daerah Belait (PBDB) and the Football Association of Brunei Darussalam (FABD) joined forces to organize the tournament.

    This special event was exclusively dedicated to U9 football teams from the Belait District, with the aim of introducing the beautiful game to the young generation of talented footballers.


    A total of eight teams gathered on the green field, ready to engage in an epic battle of the balls. 


    The teams included the fierce Panaga Dragon, the cunning BSRC Racoons, the agile Panaga Panther, the determined BSCR Grass Root, the skillful KB JR FT A, the tenacious KB JR FT B, the formidable BSRC Cougars, and the spirited PBDB JR.


    The stakes were high as only the top four teams would earn qualification for the prestigious FABD Champions League. 


    This opportunity would allow them to showcase their skills and compete against teams from other districts in the later stages of the tournament. 


    The dream of representing their beloved Belait District on a larger stage fueled the determination and passion of each young footballer.


    Despite their tender age, the U9 players displayed remarkable talent and commitment on the field. 


    Their agile forms darted across the pitch, showcasing their newly acquired skills as they fervently chased after the ball.


    The spectators, comprised of proud parents and passionate supporters, filled the stands and sidelines, their voices echoing with cheers and words of encouragement. 

    The atmosphere was electric, as the community of Belait, both locals and expatriates, united to support the young athletes.

    As the matches unfolded, the air was filled with excitement and nail-biting suspense. 


    The players showcased their individual brilliance and team cohesion, leaving the spectators in awe of their abilities. Each team fought valiantly, displaying their unique style of play and determination to emerge victorious.


    The tournament became more than just a platform for competition; it transformed into an opportunity for the children to build lasting friendships and learn valuable life lessons through the beautiful game.


    At the end of the day, when the final whistle blew, the Arena Football Field reverberated with applause and cheers. 


    The Belait community, united in their love for the game, celebrated a successful Sunday morning of grassroots football. 


    Many happy parents expressed their gratitude to the organizers, appreciating the effort put into creating an amazing tournament experience for their children. 


    Excitement filled the air as everyone eagerly anticipated the next game day, eagerly looking forward to witnessing the further development and growth of the young football stars.


    As the tournament concluded, the players left the field with heads held high, their spirits soaring with the knowledge that they had made their families, friends, and community proud. 


    The BELAIT Grassroots Football Tournament 2023 had not only provided a stage for football excellence but had also fostered a sense of unity and togetherness among the people of Belait. 

    The tournament had truly succeeded in shaping a generation of competitive and passionate young footballers, setting the stage for their future success on the local and international stages. MHO06/06/23


    Monday, June 5, 2023

    Memahami Perlembagaan - Bengkel Bahas Isu Bangsa dan Status Kerakyatan

    LIMBARUH HIJAU 05 JUN 2023: Isu tentang nama bangsa dan status kerakyatan anak-anak yang lahir dari ibu rakyat Brunei dan ayah bukan kerakyatan, serta kaitannya dengan konsep Negara Brunei sebagai negara Melayu Islam Beraja, menjadi perbincangan utama dalam sebuah bengkel yang berjudul 'Prinsip-Prinsip Perlembagaan Pertubuhan Politik dan Kaitannya dengan Perjuangan Politik'.

    Peserta bengkel mengamati catatan nama bangsa dalam pendaftaran sijil kelahiran dan dokumen kerakyatan, terutama bagi anak-anak yang memiliki ayah bukan keturunan Melayu. 

    Hal ini juga berlaku bagi anak-anak keturunan puak jati Brunei, seperti suku Belait, Tutong, Kedayan, Dusun, Bisaya, dan Murut.

    Mereka berpendapat bahwa anak-anak dari suku kaum jati Brunei seharusnya didaftarkan sebagai Melayu dan diikuti dengan nama suku masing-masing. 

    Namun, hanya suku Melayu Brunei yang didaftarkan sebagai bangsa Melayu, sementara suku lain didaftarkan berdasarkan suku asal mereka.


    Peserta bengkel mempertanyakan mengapa suku asli Brunei tidak secara otomatik didaftarkan sebagai "Melayu", tetapi mengikuti suku asal anak tersebut. 

    Mereka menyuarakan kebimbangan terhadap masa depan anak-anak ini ketika mereka dewasa dan kemungkinan menghadapi diskriminasi saat memasuki dunia pekerjaan.


    Beberapa saran telah diajukan, termasuk mempertimbangkan untuk mendaftarkan mereka sebagai "Melayu Brunei" dalam sijil kelahiran dan kad pintar.


    Peserta bengkel mengusulkan agar pihak berwajib meneliti semula dasar ini dengan tujuan menjaga keserasian dan keutuhan konsep Melayu yang menjadi landasan identiti negara sebagai negara Melayu.


    Tafsiran dan pegangan NDP


    Dalam konteks ini, Pengerusi Lembaga Penasihat mengingatkan peserta bengkel mengenai pandangan dan pendirian NDP tentang tafsiran Melayu yang dimaksudkan. 


    Ujarnya dalam hal ini NDP mengajak semua ahli NDP dan rakyat Brunei secara umum untuk tidak mempersempit pengertian dan pendekatan "Melayu" tersebut. 


    Jika hal ini terjadi, ia akan mempersempit sejarah panjang dan besar Brunei, serta mengurangi kontribusi Bangsa Melayu Brunei dalam perkembangan dakwah Islamiyah dan perkembangan ilmu di wilayah ini.


    Pemahaman nasional yang sempit adalah hasil pemikiran "anak koloni" yang sempit. Oleh kerana itu, pemikiran semacam itu harus dibebaskan kerana sangat merugikan bangsa dan negara.


    Visi NDP dalam hal ini adalah sebagai berikut:


    Melayu berarti: Brunei Darussalam adalah sebuah negara Melayu, dan kelompok etnik Melayu Brunei meliputi tujuh suku kaum, iaitu Melayu, Tutong, Belait, Bisaya, Dusun, Kedayan, dan Murut. 


    Menjaga sistem pemerintahan Melayu yang dipimpin oleh Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan, serta Ulil Amri; Memperkuat nilai-nilai luhur budaya Melayu sebagai nilai yang dominan dalam budaya nasional yang berlandaskan Islam; Bahasa Melayu adalah bahasa resmi negara seperti yang ditetapkan dalam Bab 82 (1) Perlembagaan 1959.


    Budaya Melayu yang diperkuat dengan nilai-nilai adab dan budi pekerti menjadi inti praktik yang sangat berarti dan tidak menolak faktor budaya lain yang sejalan dengan proses pembentukan fitrah manusia.


    Pemahaman istilah Melayu selain dari definisi di atas adalah pendekatan dan takrif operasional yang diterima oleh Parti Pembangunan, iaitu Melayu Brunei harus memimpin gagasan Melayu baru yang memiliki jangkauan yang luas.


    Bengkel itu diselenggarakan oleh Biro Penerangan dan Hubungan Awam  dengan kerjasama Biro Pendidikan dan Biro Keselamatan Parti Pembangunan.


    Turut hadir dalam bengkel tersebut adalah TYT Presiden NDP, Saudara Pengiran Haji Zainal Talib, Setiausaha Agung NDP, Saudara Ahmad Timpus, serta beberapa anggota Majlis Tertinggi NDP dan anggota Lembaga Penasihat.


    Objektif Bengkel


    Bengkel itu bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang "Prinsip-Prinsip Perlembagaan Pertubuhan Politik dan Kaitannya dengan Perjuangan Politik". 


    Beberapa hal yang disampaikan termasuk pentingnya setiap anggota memahami perlembagaan pertubuhan politik sebagai piagam atau dokumen dasar yang mengatur struktur organisasi, tujuan, prinsip, dan prosedur internal sebuah pertubuhan politik.


    Perlembagaan memainkan peranan penting dalam menentukan keberhasilan sebuah parti politik. 


    Terdapat beberapa prinsip dasar yang harus dipatuhi oleh setiap parti politik dalam menyusun perlembagaannya, seperti prinsip demokrasi, keadilan, dan kesetaraan. 


    Prinsip-prinsip ini memberikan jaminan bahwa parti politik akan berfungsi secara efektif dan membantu mencapai tujuan politik yang ditetapkan.


    Selain itu, perlembagaan pertubuhan politik juga berhubung rapat dengan perjuangan politik parti tersebut. 


    Perlembagaan yang baik dan komprehensif dapat membantu parti politik merancang strategi yang lebih efektif untuk mencapai tujuan politiknya. Oleh karena itu, setiap anggota parti harus memahami prinsip-prinsip perlembagaan pertubuhan politik dan hubungannya dengan perjuangan politik, agar mereka dapat memberikan kontribusi yang efektif bagi parti politik mereka.


    Pemahaman yang mendalam tentang perlembagaan pertubuhan politik sangat penting, kerana itu menjadi dasar yang kuat bagi perjuangan politik yang efektif. MHO03/06/23

    Can Brunei Rise as an Investment Powerhouse?

    Let us examine the current discourse surrounding Brunei's investment climate, which has been generating significant attention in various media outlets.


    Brunei appears poised to embrace substantial business opportunities across multiple sectors. 


    The nation has identified five key areas of focus: oil and gas downstream activities, food production, information and communication technology, services, and tourism. 


    It is worth noting that these developmental agendas have been conceptualized for several decades, including initiatives to transform Brunei into an international gateway for information communication (B.I.I.G) and a regional service hub for trade and tourism service (SHuTT), and even aspirations to establish Brunei as a financial center. 


    While progress has been slow due to issues of political will and inertia, recent efforts aim to create a conducive environment for local and regional investors to collaborate with Bruneian companies in realizing these ambitions.


    During a recent BIMP-EAGA B2B bilateral forum, Daniel Leong, the Acting CEO of the Brunei Economic Development Board (BEDB) and Darussalam Enterprise (DARe), emphasized the potential for business collaboration in the food sector. He discussed opportunities in high-value aquaculture, high-tech agriculture farming, and various value chain activities. 

    Furthermore, the government, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and Economy (MoFE), BEDB, and Muara Port Company, has unveiled ambitious plans to enhance connectivity and streamline the flow of goods and services within the region. 


    These plans encompass the establishment of a BIMP EAGA Transshipment Hub, with Muara Port positioned at the strategic epicenter of these endeavors. By bolstering connectivity with China and other countries, Brunei aspires to transform Muara Port into a pivotal hub, catering not only to Borneo Island but also the broader region.


    However, amidst the optimism, some observers express reservations about the potential for Brunei's economy to experience a swift recovery. 


    These individuals remain skeptical about the government's ability to attract foreign investments and create tangible opportunities for the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 


    Various concerns have been raised, particularly regarding the solidity and reliability of Brunei's legal framework, with calls for the government to augment its efforts in providing enhanced protection for private investors.


    Conversely, certain commentators highlight Brunei's historical openness to foreign investments and reference successful projects such as Hengyi, BFI, and MPC, which have already left their mark. 


    These proponents argue that Brunei has actively promoted and endeavored to attract foreign investments.


    The question then arises: Can Brunei genuinely establish itself as a flourishing investment destination? 


    Opinions on this matter diverge. Some contend that progress will be gradual, taking into consideration Brunei's comparative disadvantage in terms of attractiveness compared to neighboring countries with larger populations, stronger economies, and greater development opportunities. 


    Nevertheless, they maintain that genuine prospects for local SMEs to thrive exist, despite the paucity of success stories thus far.


    Critics of Brunei's approach argue that it lacks the necessary assertiveness in devising policies that effectively attract investments. 


    They draw comparisons to countries such as Luxembourg and Singapore, which have successfully enticed substantial investments and witnessed marked improvements in their overall standards of living. 


    These critics believe that Brunei necessitates a wake-up call to attract fresh talent and expertise capable of catalyzing change.


    Another noteworthy consideration is Brunei's unique advantage in the halal products market. 


    Although this potential has been acknowledged, Brunei has yet to fully capitalize on it. 


    The prevailing constraint appears to be a dearth of skilled and experienced individuals capable of transforming this idea into tangible economic gains. 


    Unlocking the potential of halal products requires the involvement of creative minds capable of turning this concept into a profitable endeavor.


    Furthermore, observers note that remnants of Brunei's colonial past hinder progress. 


    They also argue that the government's focus on its own interests sometimes overshadows the necessity to strike a balanced equilibrium between business and consumer interests. 


    To move forward, they posit that Brunei must adopt a more inclusive and accommodating stance, reduce racial biases, and exhibit greater openness toward other nationalities. 


    Failure to do so risks perpetuating outdated colonial practices, effectively trapping the nation in a time warp.


    In conclusion, opinions on Brunei's investment potential are varied, with proponents and skeptics alike voicing their perspectives. 


    Key areas of concern raised include the establishment of solid laws, reliable regulations, attractive incentives, and a more balanced approach to addressing the interests of both businesses and consumers. 


    The question of whether Brunei will emerge as a thriving investment hub remains unanswered, and only time will provide the definitive answer. (MHO04/06/23)

    Wednesday, May 31, 2023

    A Painting Unveils Brunei's Energy Transformation

    As I strolled through Billion Barrel Park, my attention was captivated by a painting adorning a column. At first glance, it appeared to be a simple depiction of a gasoline pump. Yet, when I stepped back and observed it from a fresh perspective, an entirely new narrative unfurled before my eyes.


    In the background, a nodding donkey stood tall. The juxtaposition of the gas pump painting against this nodding donkey background served as a symbolic representation of Brunei's oil and gas industry, both in the present and the future.


    Presently, Brunei Shell dominates the market, exercising a monopoly over the entire process, from gas extraction to its sale. 

    However, winds of change are beginning to sweep across the industry. New players have emerged, procuring oil from Brunei Shell and assuming responsibility for the refining process, resulting in the production of gasoline and other valuable commodities. This transformation has paved the way for other companies to enter the market, fostering increased competition and offering consumers more choices.


    Meanwhile, there's a global movement towards cleaner and more sustainable energy, and Brunei wants to be part of it too. They're exploring different ways to generate energy, like using solar power and harnessing sunlight to make hydrogen. Brunei also aims to reduce carbon emissions by capturing and storing them, while promoting electric vehicles and improving public transportation.


    These changes have significant impacts on Brunei's economy and society. 

    On the economic side, more companies entering the energy industry means more jobs and opportunities for growth. It also attracts investments, allowing Brunei to expand and develop new sectors.


    Socially, embracing cleaner energy sources brings benefits for everyone. It improves the environment, making it healthier to live in. People also have more transportation options, like electric cars and better public transit, reducing pollution and making getting around easier.


    However, it's crucial to ensure that these changes benefit everyone. That means making the transition fair and inclusive, ensuring equal access to new technologies and opportunities. It also means supporting those affected by the changes, especially workers in the traditional oil and gas industry.


    The future of Brunei's oil and gas industry looks different from today. With more competition, cleaner energy sources, and new job opportunities, Brunei is embracing a more sustainable future. The painting serves as a powerful reminder of Brunei's energy transformation, a story of resilience and commitment to shaping a better tomorrow. MHO310523

    Monday, May 29, 2023

    Patah Sayap, Terangkat Juang

    Saya terinspirasi oleh kata-kata saudara Abdullah Peter, Naib Presiden Tutong, dalam ucapan ringkasnya mengalu-alukan kehadiran kami semua di majlis sambutan (terlewat) Hari Raya anjuran Badan Perhubungan NDP Tutong.

    Saudara Abdullah Peter melihat dengan bijak, bahwa NDP sekarang digerakan oleh sebilangan kecil penjuang politik, namun semangat mereka tetap kuat, walaupun rata-rata sudah kurang sihat lagi.

    Ini adalah pengorbanan yang patut kita hargai, dan kita patut berbangga.


    Dalam menghadapi cabaran politik dan kesehatan yang mungkin menghalang, mereka tetap bersemangat, tetap gigih, dan tidak berputus asa. 

    Mereka merupakan pilar kekuatan dalam perjuangan ini. Mereka telah menunjukkan keberanian dan kesetiaan sejati.


    Oleh itu, izinkanlah saya merakamkan keluhan mereka, dalam bentuk puisi yang kudus, sebagai penghormatan kepada Saudara Abdullah Peter dan juga kepada ahli-ahli NDP seluruhnya. 

    Puisi ini adalah ungkapan rasa terima kasih kami dari Lembaga Penasihat NDP kepada mereka yang terus berjuang demi kepentingan bangsa dan negara.


    Marilah kita bersama-sama memberikan penghargaan, kepada semua pejuang politik yang gigih dan berdedikasi, yang dengan penuh semangat terus berjuang, menghadapi segala cabaran dan rintangan yang menghadang.


    Sekali lagi, terima kasih kepada Saudara Abdullah Peter dan kepada seluruh barisan kepimpinan dan ahli NDP.

    Mari kita bersama-sama merayakan perjuangan ini, dan berharap agar setiap langkah kita mendapat limpahan rahmat-Nya.


    Patah Sayap, Terangkat Juang


    Patah sayap bertongkat paruh

    Namun semangat perjuangan tak pernah sirna

    Di dalam jiwa yang berkobar-kobar

    Terus membara, mencipta harapan


    Perjuangan tak berbentuk politik semata

    Melampaui batas kepentingan diri

    Tapi perjuangan besar, bagi nasib bangsa

    Menyelamatkan negara dari kebinasaan


    Meski perjuanganmu dianggap enteng

    Seolah buang-buang waktu tanpa arti

    Perutmu telah kenyang, apakah kau tak peduli?

    Namun hatimu masih terpanggil untuk memikirkan lagi


    Begitu banyak pejuang politik yang tersisa

    Meski hanya sekubit, namun tak pudar semangat

    Kesehatan mereka mungkin tak lagi mantap

    Namun juang mereka tetap teguh, kuat dan sehat


    Patah sayap bertongkat paruh

    Namun perjuangan tak pernah terhenti

    Hingga akhir hayat, kau tetap berjalan

    Harapanmu, agar perjuangan tak sia-sia


    Allah mengetahui segala yang kau lakukan

    Setiap tetesan keringat, setiap langkah yang ditempuh

    Semoga perjuanganmu mendapat rahmat-Nya

    Balasan yang tiada tara, penuh keberkahan dan cinta


    Teruslah berjuang, patah sayap yang berani

    Bersama jiwa yang berkobar-kobar tak pernah padam

    Jadikan perjuanganmu sebagai obor yang menerangi

    Menuntun bangsa menuju masa depan yang penuh gemilang



    Sunday, May 28, 2023

    Kesabaran, Ketabahan, dan Sifat-Sifat Mulia Dalam Perjuangan Politik

    KAMPONG KERAMUT TELESAI, TUTONG - Majlis sambutan Hari Raya yang dianjurkan oleh Naib Presiden NDP Tutong Saudara Abdullah Peter di kediamannya di Kampong Keramut Telesai Tutong berlangsung dengan meriah kelmarin.

    Acara tersebut turut dihadiri oleh TYT Presiden NDP, Pengiran Haji Zainal, Setiausaha Agung NDP, Saudara Ahmad Timpus, Naib Presiden NDP Brunei Muara, Saudara Abd Razak, Naib Presiden NDP Belait, Saudara Haji Sulaiman Duraman dan ahli-ahli Majlis Tertinggi NDP serta ahli-ahli yang lain.

    Di majlis itu para ahli-ahli parti politik bekesempatan mendengarkan pesan dan kata nasihat dari TYT Presiden dan Naib Presiden Tutong.


    Saya selaku Pengerusi Lembaga Penasihat NDP juga diberikan peluang untuk berucap.


    Mewakili Lembaga Penasihat NDP, saya mengungkapkan penghargaan yang mendalam kepada semua pihak atas komitmen dan semangat yang kuat dalam perjuangan politik. 


    Saya menyoroti kenyataan bahwa perjuangan politik bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah, terutama di Brunei, di mana budaya politik masih belum sepenuhnya ramah terhadap rakyat dan terkadang terlalu terbatas.


    Dalam konteks ini, saya mengajak semua pihak untuk merenung dan mengingat nilai-nilai yang seharusnya dianut sebagai pejuang rakyat. 


    Saya menekankan bahwa kesabaran adalah sifat yang sangat penting bagi setiap ahli dan pemimpin politik.

    Lebih jauh lagi, kesabaran bukanlah sekadar menahan emosi atau menghadapi kesulitan yang timbul dalam perjuangan politik. Ia juga berarti memahami keadaan dan maslahat rakyat, menjaga sikap rendah hati, dan berjuang dengan gigih untuk memperbaiki sistem politik yang ada. Dengan kesabaran, para pegiat politik menunjukkan dedikasi mereka kepada masyarakat yang mereka perjuangkan.


    Saya juga menekankan bahwa perjuangan politik memerlukan ketabahan dan tekad yang kuat. 


    Tidak peduli seberapa besar ujian yang dihadapi, para pejuang politik tidak boleh berhenti berusaha menjadikan politik sebagai alat perubahan positif dan memberikan kebaikan kepada rakyat. 


    Perubahan yang berarti memerlukan waktu, kesabaran, dan usaha yang berterusan dan istiqamah


    Oleh karena itu, para pejuang politik diharapkan terus melayani dengan kesabaran dan menjaga semangat melawan ketidakadilan serta memperjuangkan kepentingan rakyat.


    Selanjutnya, saya menyoroti pentingnya sifat-sifat mulia dalam perjuangan politik, terutama bagi mereka yang telah menjadi pemimpin. 


    Siddique, amanah, fatanah, dan tabligh adalah sifat-sifat yang diambil dari kepemimpinan Rasulullah SAW dan dianggap sangat penting dalam melaksanakan amanah dan tanggung jawab sebagai ahli politik yang menjadi suara rakyat.


    Dalam konteks ini, saya menekankan pentingnya ketelusan, kejujuran, amanah, kebijaksanaan, dan dakwah dalam menjalankan amanah politik. 


    Sebagai pemimpin politik, mereka harus menjadi contoh yang baik bagi masyarakat dengan memiliki kejujuran, integriti, dan amanah. 


    Keberhasilan dalam menjaga kepercayaan yang diberikan oleh rakyat sangat bergantung pada kesetiaan dalam melaksanakan janji, menjaga keadilan, dan memperjuangkan kepentingan rakyat.


    Kecerdasan dan kebijaksanaan juga menjadi kunci kejayaan dalam politik. 


    Para pemimpin politik diharapkan memahami dengan baik isu-isu yang dihadapi oleh rakyat dan negara, serta mencari solusi yang inovatif dan efektif dalam menghadapi tantangan politik yang kompleks. 


    Dengan memiliki kecerdasan dan kebijaksanaan, mereka dapat memimpin dengan lebih baik dan mencapai hasil yang positif.


    Terakhir, saya menekankan bahwa berdakwah harus menjadi bahagian penting dari perjuangan politik. 


    Sebagai pemimpin politik, mereka memiliki tanggung jawab untuk menyampaikan pesan-pesan kebaikan, moral, dan nilai-nilai positif kepada rakyat. Melalui berdakwah, mereka berupaya membawa perubahan positif dalam masyarakat, memerangi kemungkaran, dan mempromosikan kesetaraan, keadilan, dan keharmonian.

    Saya mengajak semua pihak untuk menjalankan amanah politik dengan bersungguh-sungguh dengan mengamalkan sifat-sifat mulia yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya. 

    Dengan memiliki sifat-sifat tersebut, para pemimpin politik dapat menjalankan tanggung jawab mereka dengan baik, menjauhkan kemungkaran dari pengurusan dan pentadbiran negara, serta membawa kebaikan bagi rakyat yang mereka perjuangkan.


    Semoga semangat perjuangan politik yang didasari oleh kesabaran, ketabahan, dan sifat-sifat mulia ini terus tumbuh dalam diri semua pejuang politik. Mari tingkatkan keterlibatan dengan rakyat, mendengarkan suara mereka, dan bekerja sama untuk mencapai kemajuan berkelanjutan dan mapan bagi negara kita.(MHO28/05/23)